Span + Space Konstrukt, Inc., is a Corporation duly
registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission on
May 30, 1997 under its former name Gatmaitan & Associates, Inc.
Its primary purpose is to purchase, lease, exchange, or
otherwise acquire real estate and property, either improved or
unimproved and any interest therein; to own, hold, control,
maintain, manage and develop the same; to erect, construct,
maintain, improve, rebuild, enlarge, alter, manage, operate,
control, lease, sell all kinds of buildings, houses, hotels,
motels, apartments, stores, offices, warehouses, mills, shops,
factories, machinery and plants, and all structures and
erections of any description, on any lands owned, held, or
leased by the Corporation, or upon any other lands, to lease
or sublet offices, stores, apartments, and other space in such
building or buildings, and to sell, lease, sublet, mortgage, create a security, interest in, exchange, assign,
transfer, convey, therein; and to manage and operate
subdivisions and housing projects or otherwise engage in the
trading of real estate and property.